From a distance...

So many blues.

A short totter around the woods, not that I was wearing high heels, yielded many blips this late afternoon.

After preparing a substantial... in every sense of the word... curry, which then went into the oven for some baking... yes, I know curries don't need baking, but when they are bunged into the oven they don't need much stirring either, particularly when covered with foil and then the casserole dish lid as well... I digress somewhat... So with tonight's meal in t'oven, I took a walk on the wild side.

The woods are, it can't be denied, pretty wild, and pretty!

The only thing that happens in there is a path that is laid with fresh mulch every once in a while. The rest is WILD.

And at this time of year is full of bluebells.
Wild ones.

As you can see.
And it's officially Friday evening!

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