The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

Thirty Bob for 3 Minutes..

I'm getting tight in my old age .. well tighter.. but am I the only one that thinks ten quid for 20 minutes entertainment is a bit steep? OK. I'm a miserable old fart. But just look at the joy on my daughter's face, and you should have seen her walking around with her eyes popping out looking at all the lights and rides. So I suppose it was worth it after all..

Earlier in the day, had a hot date with my wife - we went to see a lunchtime showing of "The Hunger Games" - had the cinema to ourselves. Brilliant film by the way - I'd give it 9/10. I was going to blip my wife sitting in the middle of an empty cinema, but my little camera wasn't up to the job. Then we walked around the Livingston shopping mall - always a pleasure (he says through gritted teeth). I got away without spending too much money.. until I found a Maplins and couldn't resist buying a blue LED kit for my light painting orb stick. I'm such a geek. Expect blue orbs on tomorrows blip..Now wheres's my soldering kit?...

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