Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


well hopefully this poor wee bugger has found some. passed this as i left work after one of the longest and shittiest days in a while. to be honest with the mood i was in my first thought when i saw this squirrel was "ya lucky wee bastard, no more worries now eh?".
this does not mean that i wished to join him, it really was just a bad day.
since coming home however i have had a call from Bisk (cheers dude i needed the cheering up and i will ring over the weekend). also phone calls from both parents tonight! i had planned on eating after i finished chatting to my mum but then dad rang so thought i would sort out blip while speaking to him and now it's half eight and i still have had nothing to eat today. i hear the chinese calling me now though.
mood has improved a lot after all these calls and of course there is one thing that never fails to work and that is a hug from this wee monkey.

weekend here at last though, so hope you all have a good one...............

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