Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

the journey begins........

well it was a very early start for a holiday day....up before seven so we could get across to kings cross by 10am. you know i had forgotten how shit london rush hour is. i moved to ajob closer to home almost a year ago so now i never have to go out into the madness unless i have a meeting elsewhere. that journey must be the closest that people come to feeling like cattle....to be honest by the time we had gotten to kings cross i would have gladly accepted the stun gun and a bolt to the head,
nevermind, it is not a day to dwell on such things, for today i came home. what a feeling...the space, to be able to breathe, civilised drivers and so on. i've always been worried that when i come home for a visit that things would feel different but as soon as my foot hit the platform today,it was like putting on that really old pair of pants. the ones that you don't ever want to be caught in but are just too comfy to let go of (c'mon you all know what i mean.)
you know what i was going to go on for quite a while tonight, was just in that kind of mood but now that i am sitting here i can't be arsed...too much to say, too many thoughts screaming to be heard.
i will say that the suprise visit went well with both great gran and gran being suitably stunned to see us. probably more so gran as we were sitting waiting inside her locked house when she came home.........not that big a shock though as it looks like i shall have to wait a bit longer for that inheritance money (only jestin mum).
tomorrow is dads b'day so have to throw that into the mix with the house hunting. Mr & Mrs 42, thanks for the offer but i suspect i shall be too busy but definately next time and Jim have a few on me on saturday as instead of sitting in a boozer in edinburgh i shall be stuck in london surrounded by english fans telling me how bad scottish football really is.
time to wrap this up (so much for not going on), anyway todays blip was taken at kings cross just before "the flying scotsman" started the journey that would bring me home. obviously hit this with a sepia tint and just for good measure added some graining to give it that aged feel.
got to go now as it's house hunting tomorrow. also have to try and explain to partner (AGAIN) that peebles is not a part of edinburgh, even if it does have an EH postcode....bloody foreigners.
night folks

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