My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Cinderella's Magic Kingdom

I have made it to 300 Blips and it feels like I have been doing this forever. When was Blip not part of my life?

I wanted to be creative for this milestone and decided to use it as an opportunity to change my name. It bothered me that my journal name didn't sound personal when I left comments. I really had to think of the right name that matched My Magic Kingdom. Who would "rule" the kingdom? The real Disney Magic Kingdom lies in the shadow of Cinderella's Castle and therefore I could only choose one name. it is my lighthearted way of enjoying my Blip adventure!

Yesterday I was already getting into a panic because I wanted to create a special photo for this Blipversary. Today we are celebrating a Barmitzvah and I knew I had to have everything ready for an early Blip before we left this morning. I asked LuvU2 for advice and after a quick brainstorming session I had my props and my plan. Early this morning I jumped out of bed, Blip was first priority.

Set up my props, daughter T's beautiful silver shoe and crown and clicked away. I wasn't very happy with the results but I had to use one, time was running out. As I returned the shoe to daughter T's room there on her dressing table was this little pink trinket box with Cinderella's shoe perched on top. I couldn't have asked for something more perfect!! Quickly take a few more photos, upload to Blip and then get myself and the family dressed. I am writing this as we drive through to Johannesburg. (A 45 minute journey).

Thank you for visiting my journal and leaving such warm comments of encouragement! Blipland is a very special community with amazing people.

I am now so excited to reach 365 and be able to look back each day to my one year ago!

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