Simply Me

By Suze981

Morning sunlight

I woke up this morning at 7am and that was me. So much for a weekend lie in! Feeling guilty for not running yesterday, I decided to head out for a run.

As I headed out the door, I bumped into my postman. He's a marathon runner too so we always have a wee chat. Poor guy - he's been plagued with illness and injury and hasn't run in 3 weeks. His top mileage is 17 miles a couple of months ago and he's really worried. He's still going to do the marathon though, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for him. I'm sure he'll be fine.

I just did a wee 5 miler this morning, just to keep the legs ticking over. As I came up the Duddingston road into Holyrood park, I couldn't help but think how majestic the Crags looked in the morning sunlight!

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