Thank Jenga it's Friday!

A few months of hard work came to an end today. Everything looks great for the bookfair next week and we're all breathing a long sigh of relief. A job well done by the whole team. Our deadline was 3pm, and after the last project was wrapped up, we felt like playing end-of-term games, but we kept it together and worked until 5.30.

Two of my work colleagues came to ours for dinner and drinks, and inevitably we played Jenga. It was great fun. This shows Si in a state of great concentration. Note that we've created a haven for our drinks - tea and Laphroaig whisky - so they wouldn't be damaged by Jenga bricks falling into them. It worked. F and I won the Jenga championships - yay! It then became very silly and we started to play StoneJenge. See if you can guess what that is...

Happy weekend all!

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