Family Dog

By Family_Dog

oh the irony...OR...that bloody shelf.

I couldn't help but notice the irony that the only book left standing on our collapsed shelf was a small box of books entitled 'The Tool Box' - outlining useful ways to do your own DIY - including how to put up shelves, no less.

This bloody shelf has fallen down 3 times now.

This time it was poor Corrie's turn to look on helplessley as all the books & DVDs toppled to the ground crashing and bashing. I can picture her wee crestfallen face and I have to admit to a little giggle. Only because I pulled the very same face the time I pulled the shelf off and seen the same face when Lynne's little boy Bryce did it too.

That bloody shelf.

Anyway. We are back from a very lovely (but not as relaxing as I was expecting) holiday. It was great to get away and have some sunshine (and there was plenty of that). Arlo was a wee star too and all in all, our first sunshiney holiday away in a big aeroplane went swimmingly. It has reminded us NEVER EVER EVER to go on a package holiday ever again, but it was a dead cheap deal and so we don't really mind.

Best moment of the holiday was the morning after Bry got really quite pissed. I got up to him looking rather sheepish. When I asked him what was wrong:

Bry: I had a bit of an accident last night. A very embarrassing one.
Abi: (Mind Boggling)...You didn't poo yourself did you?!
Bry: (incredulous) NO!!!!!!!!!! But thank you for assuming the very, very worst!

What actually happened was that Bry had been playing catch up with the wind in trying to keep the little tea light candles lit on the balcony. He lit one, just as the wind died down and placed it on the banister round the top of the balcony, forgetting that it was rounded rather than flat. The candle fell off the balcony, stayed lit (a miracle) and landed on the ONLY open parasole down at the pool - 2 stories down! Next thing? The bloody thing only goes on fire! Bry had to run down the stairs like a crazy person, flap the giant umbrella open and closed to put the fire out and then pulled it out of the ground and secretly stashed it round the corner of the apartment block hoping that nobody saw him (nor wondered what all the melted brown blobs were on the white plastic sun bed that was under the burning parasole were!).

In the end he fessed up to the guys at reception. They just looked at him like he was a complete eejit.

Which of course he is.

Still. Much funnier story than just having pooped his pants.

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