Family Dog

By Family_Dog

no ducks were harmed in the making of this blip...

Do you think Arlo's trying to tell me he'd like poultry introduced into his diet?! I thought I'd try him on a wee bath toy tonight and yep - like everything else, straight into the gob it went.

Like me, he has always liked a good bath. And, like me, he likes a bit of entertainment while he's bathing. Me - I like to read. Arlo just likes to rub his gums and shout. Each to their own.

Yesterday, in my own bath (with thankfully no cameras), I read the guide magazine that you get free with the guardian on a Saturday. Me & Dog had just had a stupid argument and I decided to show him what a wonderful woman he had by looking through all the 'soul mate' personal ads and circling all the ones where men seemed to be looking for women like me.

At the time, this seemed like it would be awfully funny. Actually, it was very dreary and depressing and got me thinking how far, far away a single life seems these days - I don't know how it happened but I have most definitely become a wifey woo. Then I started thinking about how I'd go about meeting a fella in this day & age (if I needed one that is, which I don't obviously) and I got a bit panicked. I mean, I don't go to pubs anymore! Or clubs. AAAAAAH.

Then I realised how lucky I am to have Bry even if he is a fud sometimes.

And that concludes today's random Blip.

Oh - apart from, you know that chest infection I've had since June? The doctor only bleeding thinks it's asthma. Mental! I called my mum to tell her thinking I'd get a bit of a panic kind of 'oh my god I can't believe it' reaction from her and she went 'well, you had asthma when you were a teenager remember and it just went away'.


No recollection what so ever of that one. Not even a far tinkling of bells o'er yonder hill type memory of that. I feel like maybe I am not who I think I am. I am possibly someone else and have had such bad amnesia since my teens that I just think I am me.

Ooh. Deep eh? Off for tea now. Toodleooh!

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