Roll With It

By Falmike

Summer Time

Did not 'Blip' yesterday, didn't seem right to somehow whilst our friends are grieving but today is a new day

Montego Bay it isn't, but Swanpool it is. After two runs to the tip in Big Red, each one down on the springs, we started making inroads into the garden.
We also called in to B&Q, ostensibly for to get tomato plants but really to double check our prospective BBQ and garden table, both still in stock, both to bring home once the shed is up and running.
Then on to Swanpool for 'feature' ice creams before home. An unexpected trip to Truro was then required as my i-phone locked up again whilst updating. Apple may think they lead the world in technology but they need to get it to Cornwall - pronto.
Finally to Prezzo's for a belated birthday bash, courtesy of a free bottle of Prosecco, home for a beer and looking forward to an early night.

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