Lazy Sunday

Another lie in, I didn't even stir when Clare arrived home from work this morning.
Up, cooked breakfast for Joshua and myself, all the preparations for a roast dinner completed and a quick tidy up.
A knock at the door revealed 'Rugby' Kate dropping off chocolates and wine as a thank you gift from the boys and parents of the Falmouth RFC Under 12's for helping with the coaching on a Friday, most unexpected and undeserved.
Joshua and I then took the dogs out for a walk around Pendennis Castle, Gussie as usual completely destroyed her tennis ball and Amy wandered around utterly uninterested in what was going on around her.
Home, dropped off the dogs, out again, Big Red refuelled and washed and then a tour of the local industrial estates gathering addresses of soon to be recipients of my CV!!
BAFTA awards on TV this evening, no doubt accompanied by some of my new chocolates.

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