a new year!

By Thesalh70

Sun day Saturday

got to bed at 1.30am, and woke at 6am! managed to sleep in a little more, then dozed remembering the night before. smirked as i recall some random woman singing 'these boots are made for walking' in the Castle last night. she was better than the dodgy singer guy!

I remembered seeing a sign on Friday night that Eastwood was going to have a march between 10-12 noon. Troops returning from duty in Afghanistan were marching through the town. armed with my camera, in the glorious and v warm sunshine, i walked onto Hilltop. roads were closed to traffic, and the streets were lined with people. union jacks everywhere, and people young and old waiting for the march to begin. met Patti again, she was v hungover from last night!

the march began, and what an awesome sight. it bought tears to my eyes. great to see such a fantastic turn out on my door step! took some pics, and stuck to my 'only using manual' rule. got some great shots of the troops, but this blip was my fave. as i walked along the kerbside following the march, i saw Stella. outside the Edward House nursing home, a couple of nurses had bought three residents outside to enjoy the parade. i spotted this lady holding her union jack, and took a pic (i was also on the phone at the same time i took the pic!).

no sooner as i'd taken it, than the Nottingham Evening Post photographer had walked up to the nurses, wanting to take pics. (i think he'd spotted me taking pics of Stella!) he asked names, and that's how i knew my blip is of Stella. i like the blip. i like how she's proudly holding her Union Jack, I like her smile, and the fact that she was enjoying the parade as much as everyone else. a great morning, that everyone, young and old enjoyed.

back home, and couldn't work at 49, as Marco the italian joiner was there. instead i worked on 12 wall tiles (for my front wall) stripped back to base and cleaned up, ready to be put back on the wall, once i've learnt how to mix cement!

ended the day having mowed the lawn, enjoying a glass of red in the late afternoon sun......tomorrow, i'm on Her Majesty's Secret Service!

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