Surfin at Port Soif

last day today. and i woke up with the all too familiar pain behind my eye. surely it's not returned so soon....iritis.

last breakfast, and then car packed ready for off. the morning started off with a blue sky, but it didn't last long. we had a final coffee at Bordeaux on dads seat....the flowers still there.

we drove up to Port Soif, and the wind was up. loads of surfers in the sea, the waves not too great just yet.

off to airport, and check in. a nice purchase in Duty Free...2 litres of Bombay Saph!! a bargain at £22!

great flight. didn't look out of the window much as the light hurt my eye.

picked Pete up, and then home. Pain in the eye has worsened and later i put some of my old drops in, which after an hour take effect. looks like it'll be a trip to the Eye clinic in the morning....

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