Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

It started with a kiss

...but it ended with a full on rejection of one sister to the other. hehe

This picture was taken outside the church where we will be getting married in a few weeks. We popped over to visit J's mums grave and to talk to the church warden Norma about a few details for our day. They were having a big church spring clean inside and out so most of my pictures from today feature lawn mowers, workmen and volunteers.

In the afternoon we popped into a 50s inpsired retro shop. It was recommended by my auntie and it did not disappoint. Ive been looking for an old 50s record player to become part of our decour in our wedding but its hard to find them these days. Found one for a fiver at this shop and its pretty good nick. Bargain.

With a week to go before the 10km Race for Life I went for a practice run this evening. My hip was feeling better so just kept going. Managed 7.5 miles and it felt gooooood. Only problems being I've come home to discover my toes have been bleeding and my hip is sore again. Clearly I'm falling to pieces. Worth it though. I'll just take it easy now with little runs until the race on Sunday.

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