An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Friday has come around at last but the day just absolutely dragged.....the end of work seemed like it would never arrive!

But the great news is that the sun managed to make an appearance and stayed around all day.....however, I missed my chance to FlipFlop as I forgot to pop them in my bag (which is very unlike me.....I think the constant rain of late has messed with my mojo some what ;)

But more great news.....I got another free falafel!!!!!
What are the chances of that???
Now once is just a fluke; twice is a coincidence and three times would be a habit.....I want to make it a habit haha!

This is a bit of an emergency blip but as the day had gone so well I thought I would end it with some celebratory chocolate ;)

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