An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Good Times!

Today was my Godson Jude's 3rd birthday you can see the theme was Lego®.

There was so much to eat and play with that was made from Lego® or made to look like Lego®, and my crazy friend had spent weeks and weeks making everything by hand!

I took so many pictures of all the goodies. She even made a cake that looked like hundreds of Lego® blocks all stacked up, and that was my second choice picture, this only came first as it made me laugh so much at the time!

All this was made ever so much better by the fantastic weather!

Does anyone think that there is a correlation between the sun coming out and the official announcement of the lifting of the hosepipe ban? Hmmmm.....

Anyway, I had such a great time, making Lego® gift bags, playing pass the parcel, bouncing on the bouncy castle, I was even the only adult who left the party with their very own gift bag filled with a Lego® keyring, handmade Lego® chocolates and (my favourite) some Lego® earphones!

Am I just a big kid? Think so.....

I hope everyone had a lovely day, in the sun, having fun ;) x

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