Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Hanging out!!

Today we went to High Lodge with Coxy and her brood! A spontaneous decision yesterday morning when we both discovered we would be husbandless today!!

We got there and had our picnic then May decided she wanted to go up in the trees then Charlie and the girls quite fancied it too!!

Go Ape is like an obstacle course set high up in the treetops!! So off we go to sign the children up, after a lot of persuasion May was allowed to go on, she didn't quite hit the metre mark but her puppy dog eyes managed to sway the manager... Even though as we walked off he sniggered that she would never do it.... So we climbed up the tree stairs to start by that time Evie and Sophie had already decided that they were too scared and wanted out so they went straight down the zip wire!!!
Charlie sped off and completed the course in record breaking time and May nailed the whole course, it took us a while but she was totally brilliant and I'm very proud!! I was frightened beyond belief and there was a moment I thought I would have to shout for help!!

This is May after she had just come down the zip wire giving me a big thumbs up then asking if she can do it again...... Not on your nelly!!!

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