Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Lovely Buns!!

A trip to Matt's bakery resulted in 3 focaccia (cheese stick, mixed pepper and wild garlic and cheese!) then 3 sticky fruit buns for Grandma!! Obv, we had to go back once May had seen the fruit buns and she wanted one, blooming delicious they were too!!!!

Evie started her SATs today, I feel 6 is ridiculous age to be doing exams, I didn't do any exams until the 3rd year of the college and I turned out ok......... Hmmm, actually maybe exams at 6 is a good idea ;) Apparently she got her first warning for talking, ooopps!

Today's Blip is Evie eating one of the sticky fruit buns! I'm really trying to change my ways with Evie, she has a really hard time and we often wonder what she can do to try and change her ways but I think maybe I need to change my ways with her... She's constantly nagged to get a nappy, grab her AWOL brother, give her little sister the toy she has so she stops screaming, telling her she should know better.... So today is the start of my changes... :)

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