A confused genius

By Lez11

A day of sport

My mom asked me yesterday if I could cook Sunday lunch today as she was at work. So today I cooked the most amazing Sunday lunch for everyone. A classic roast beef with all the trimmings and yorkies.

After lunch I decided to put my feet up and watch a Sunday afternoon jam packed of sport.

First off was the Spanish F1 GP and even though I was p**sed off that they put Hamilton at the back of the grid it was another great race. I think the FIA are just as corrupt as FIFA and they manipulate those around them to get the results they want.

Second off was the football. As a wolves fan the season finished a long time ago but as a neutral is was good to see Manchester City win the league (pic). I cant believe that they had to score 2 goals in injury time to win the title. It reminded me of last season when Stephen Hunt scored for wolves with 3 minutes left to keep us in the premier league. That day I think I had 2 strokes and 3 heart attacks whilst watching the match in the stands. It's amazing how sports play with your emotions.

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