What happened was...

By DJHairbear

Mr Blue Sky!

Although the weather has been fantastic again today, I've not been outside to enjoy it as there's been a whole afternoon of Sport on the TV! I also spent the morning nursing a hangover so wouldn't really have been in the mood to head out into civilisation.

Unfortunately the League 2 play off semi didn't go the way I'd have liked as Torquay lost 2-0 against Cheltenham, although there is still the 2nd leg at Plainmoor to come on Thursday night. Following that was the Spanish Grand Prix with Pastor Maldonado winning Williams' first Grand Prix in 8 years, unfortunately their celebrations appear to have been cut short as a fire broke out in their pit garage soon after the race had finished, hopefully no-one has been seriously hurt.

Finished off the day by watching probably the best final day of the Premier League in a long time, I'm really pleased for Manchester City especially as they prevented Manchester United winning a 20th title which for a Liverpool fan is very satisfying to see!

Back to work tomorrow - eurgh! Those six numbers will come my way soon!

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