Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Up the pole

TSM had a good day - painful at the beginning and end but good in the middle - I could see her shining this afternoon, particularly as Arsenal managed a dramatic win and we both enjoyed Manchester City's spectacular achievement in winning the premiership and sneaking past United.

I did three hours work and got a bit depressed about it - we're deep in the process of change now and the NHS is turning into a very different place to the one I've worked in most of my life.

Dropped in on my ex boss, Mr B. He had a nasty accident on Friday, his old Toyota was written off and he fractured his sternum. I took him a copy of What Car? and told him he was a drama queen.

I was thoughtful today. As I get closer to a year's worth of blipping, I keep thinking of how I can improve my photography and make my images more creative. I always want my picture to reflect my day rather than simply than being an image in it's own right, but given that so much of my life is get up - work - come home - bed -

Well it's difficult. Work is actually visually rich in human terms but I can't impose my desire to capture the day on colleagues who work in stressful occupations.

I love photography. I know my limits but every time I pick up a camera a little thrill of excitement runs through me. I just wish I had more time... more scope ....

The blip is a telegraph pole. It has no connection with any of the above.

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