A Suffolk Eye

By CroPage

Is It Good Enough?

My mother - as trenchant and determined as ever - is just checking out whether this monument is of good enough quality. After all, it's not just any monument -  the Professor's ashes will rest beneath it.

It's placed in an old country churchyard to commemorate fellows of his college and it is covered with the names of many I remember from childhood days.  (One, indeed, a stocky and crusty former Professor of Anglo-Saxon, taught me how to ride a bicycle).

The names accumulated, and years ago there was only one face of this monument left without an inscription. We used to tease my father terribly that he'd have to hurry up dying, or it would be too late.

He did leave it for a good ten years and more, so now he will have to be content with an inscription on one of the upper surfaces.

Mother  willing.

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