A place in time

By Verbosa


Spotted this inscription on a window today and just wanted to share it as it made me smile:

"The past is history
The future a mystery
And today is a gift - that's why it's called the present"

Master Shifu

It was another busy day at work, so good to get out at lunchtime. Even better that I toddled up to Long Tall Sally and picked up a new pair of black trousers and a top in (you'll never believe this colour) Hibiscus (very bright indeed) - with my 10% off saving.

Having a quick text-chat with The Boy tonight it only turns out that the lad in the room next to him at uni was born the day before him in the same hospital. When he said just the lad's (abbreviated) name I couldn't believe it and was able tell him his full name plus the names of his parents too! What a small world, eh?

And tonight I've just had a one hour plus Skype chat with my Mum - she's so good at 85 to use this modern stuff, isn't she? Plus she'd just placed her online Tesco order - what a girl!

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