A place in time

By Verbosa

My Left Foot

Well, that was the film title, but this was Dee showing off her heavily- bandaged RIGHT foot. She claimed she'd broken it, and was threatening to go next door to the vet to get it x-rayed, saying it would probably be quicker than going to A&E.

Anyway, there I was in Dee's salon this afternoon getting my "roots" done (full head of low-lights actually, but a time-consuming affair anyway, although always worth the effort) and thought I'd blip Dee this time. (Sorry Mr Smith - I've not entered the "twat in the hairdressers" series this time.)

Mr A and I shared a bottle of double chocolate stout tonight (well, I tried a small drop and he had the rest) - if you can imagine such a thing. It just tasted beer-ish to me. He said my taste buds were defective if I couldn't taste the chocolate. I know it simply didn't taste a BIT like chocolate (and I should know, being a chocolate confection addict in years gone by). But perhaps I just couldn't taste it straight after the pickled onions I'd just eaten...?

Mr Smith

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