Love is...

watching him and listening to him practice. Seeing that he has paid attention to advice that I have given him to help with his art homework. Listening to him laugh. Snuggling on the sofa. Hugs.

Strange day.

Started badly having had very little sleep and a lot of pain overnight. I then shouted a naughty swearword across the staffroom. Not so much of a problem you might think, given that the staffroom is the only sanctuary away from the hormonal teenagers. Aha. When another colleague is stood at the door talking to a group of the aforementioned youth, shouting a sweary word across the staffroom is not considered good form. Hmmmm.

Subsequently, having a chat with an esteemed colleague, I had a complete meltdown...the tears came from absolutely nowhere, again. Said colleague has enough on his plate without me doing that, but still he listened and reassured.

Generally, I would like to ignore Monday 14th May...consign it to the bin marked "bad days".

Now, I am going to review my own notes on ill health and try to summarise six months into a single page. I guess I could do that in one sentence "A rapid descent into full on, daily, chronic pain". However, I guess that is not quite as specific as I need to be.

For one so good at interpreting information and data, I am actually struggling to know where to start.

Wine o clock.

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