Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Cedar and Mahogany

Cedar has been carrying this piece of wood round in the garden for days. I've taken it off him on numerous occasions and hidden it. He finds it everytime. Today he's helped himself off a high windowsill outside.

At his training classes he has been learning 'chin' this is now the answer to everything and it's worth a try if there is someone watching and you can't just pinch it.

Today's poo......squitty with with some texture and a little bit of form...

A large tree of the genus Swietenia (S. Mahogoni), found in tropical America.
The wood of the Swietenia Mahogoni. It is of a reddish brown color, beautifully veined, very hard, and susceptible of a fine polish. It is used in the manufacture of furniture.
A table made of mahogany wood.

The name of several evergreen trees. The wood is remarkable for its durability and fragrant odor.
Of or pertaining to cedar.

Not sure about the fragrant odour.....particularly at the moment!

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