Soggy walk

Full day today.

Early down to breakfast, precipitated by Charley exploding out of his nappy requiring a change of pyjamas. Need to learn some new folds for the terry squares. And "early" just means before Steve, really! Phoned the hairdressers after breakfast to make an appointment for Ben, which then set up the rest of the morning - quickly dressed, ride down to tesco for carrots (and a cbeebies magazine with a toy Blackberry) and cash, ride back home, drop off bike and groceries, walk to salon, get Ben's hair cut. And because Charley fell asleep just as we approached the salon I asked if they could fit me in too for a dry cut to neaten my mop up, so we both got our mops tamed while Charley slept!

Home again and got the chicken carcass simmering away to make stock for soups and gravy, played with Ben a bit, Ben announced that he wanted his toy to "go back to the shop now, the one called the super market". Ok then. 3 hours, that's a new record.

Then it was off to school for him, I didn't even get a kiss goodbye today he just went straight in! No response to my letter yet, am expecting that Friday I guess.

The weather turned over lunchtime. Sunny and windy this morning, but the drizzle started as we walked to school and I called in at home again on the way past to change into boots and grab an umbrella, and boy am I glad I did. That was one soggy walk down to the Post Office! Still, that's almost all the posters and postcards that have been ordered already, posted out. One pack of postcards to go tomorrow, and one poster reserved until we can decide on how to get it to its destination! And, big news, that's the messy mama officially broken even financially for the first time today. I expect that might change in August when I have to pay for my website subscription again but that's August - then I can start saving for a new camera!!

Took wellies and a raincoat for Ben when I picked him up from school as it was still raining, but of course he declared he wanted neither, and then proceeded to stomp in every puddle possible on the way home!! Shoes on the radiator to dry (thank goodness the swooshy shoes are now dry), trousers and socks off, dry socks on, refused dry trousers... at least he kept his pants on!

Chicken and chips for tea tonight. I'm currently dreaming of eating a whole dinner, hot. It is not happening at the moment. With Charley requiring so much attention, it's not as easy as sit him in his bumbo and let him join in - he has started pooing like almost every two hours or something ridiculous, every nappy bar two today has been pooey, AND he got his naked-time mat twice (ewww - thank goodness that's the point of his nekkid-time mat I suppose, easy to wash and dry, it's basically a giant nappy set up). So he poos at dinner time. Wants what we're having, needs constant attention, wants boob and a nappy change half way through, and because dinner is often quite late because Steve has to cook it as Charley is usually having a snoozy boob when I'd otherwise be cooking he's tired and wants to go to bed before I've finished eating.

I went to bed with the boys this evening, had my insulin, left orders with Steve to get the nappies washed (wasn't expecting him to stay up to get them dried as well, that's amazing!) and took to bed. Today, catching up from the weekend, plus all the to-ing and fro-ing up and down the street, has worn me out!

Tomorrow: toddler group, another trip to the post office, and an afternoon of messiness if I can persuade Ben. I have an idea up my sleeve that he might enjoy, involving bubbles and poster paint!!

OHHH and I finally hit 100 blips over on my alternate journal :D

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