Because this is who I am

By Brighde

For the first time in forever.

If you know the reference I really hope you're singing the rest of the song. 

So, what does everyone think of this new layout? It's a bit different, I quite like it. More 'blog' ish? And I'm also hoping it will crash less than the old site did. I feel I may have a newly inspired drive to blog more. 

These past couple of days have been lovely with Mandy. She has this new boyfriend so that was really all she talked about, which I really don't mind because everytime I see her I blabber on about someone different, who really turns out to be the same. 

So, when I say 'for the first time in forever', I mean for the first time in forever, I've been alone. It's  Christmas next week and for the first time in six years I've been single. Now, for many people this can be really depressing and something you really don't want to share. But for me, I can't wait. No presents, no family I have to go see, no weird family get- to-gethers I have to go to and be all cute while he introduces me to everyone, in which I have to tell everyone my entire life story. Boring

I'm so looking forward to being my delightful selfish self again. 

Happy Blipping. 

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