Because this is who I am

By Brighde


These are my christmas lights. Some times things look better if you can't see them properly, plus it looks like one of those fancy film transitions. 

Lately I've been feeling a bit heartbroken. Not in a sense of 'I'm so sad, I miss you waa waa waa', but more like I miss what we had. It was lovely to have someone to hold and love and text and ring. I mean, I do love being on my own and not having the stress of a boyfriend. But y'know, sometimes it just hits me hard. 

Today has been busy with my mum at work, we've had a few Christmas functions so we have been swept off our feet feeding elderly cyclists as they demand yet more tea. Seriously how much do those guys drink?! 

Tomorrow I'm seeing my Sarah, which has been long overdue. We are going to see my friends band, I'm pretty proud of her actually. Me and Sarah are also exchanging gifts. I really hope she doesn't make me wait till Christmas because I can never ever wait. Even if they do look nice under my tree (see above). 

Also, isn't it lovely when you get the point before the year when you can start saying 'have a lovely Christmas!' or 'See you in the new year!'. I love new year, but that's for another time. 

Happy Blipping. 

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