"Off Went The Van Wiv Me 'ome Packed In It ....

.... I followed on wiv me old cock linnet."

The auctioneers finally came to collect the furniture from The Homestead. I didn't follow with my cage bird, as in the Marie Lloyd music-hall song but a stuffed cockatoo under a glass dome, that has been around since I was a child, went on the van. Taxidermy is a hot ticket at the moment.

The guy with the long hair was very interesting, he identified the pretty wood of a desk set by its smell told us about the butterflies and moths that he breeds.

I researched "My Old Man" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfW3TxQhy20http:// and hadn't really given much thought to the fact that it is about the hardships of working-class life in London at the beginning of the 20th century. The couple in the song have to move out of their accommodation because they can't pay the rent and do it at night - a moonlight flit - so that the the landlord is not alerted.

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