An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Cosmic Smartie


I've been messing about with water this afternoon....can you tell?

If you were in my kitchen you could! Worktops dripping from spillages, soggy teatowels, foodbags full of water with varying sizes of holes pierced in them, sunflower oil at the ready. 572 shots later and only two are a push. I won't repeat the word I used. *smiles sweetly*

And all because this week on my course I am learning about (amongst other things) shutter speed. Thought I would be swotty for a change and get some pics uploaded to open studio early in the week. Only now I have read it again and realised I'm supposed to be taking shots showing motion blur.....not fecking freeze frame. Doh! Try again tomorrow.

And it would appear Blip is getting my OU rejects! Not ideal but no time to do something different for here.

Changing the subject slightly.....isn't age a funny thing? It's a good friend's 46th Birthday today. I can clearly remember when he was turning 40 and how much the thought of leaving his 30s behind pained him. Real angst about it. Ha! Bet he's wishing he was 40 now! ;-)))

There's a moral in there somewhere but I can't be arsed figuring it out.

Anyhoo, Happy Birthday D! (And no, it's not my D :-)

And Happy Tuesday you lovely peeps :) xx

Thanks Paul for coining a new title for my blip - Cosmic it :))

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