An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Imagination Vacation...

Another flower blip! but not apologising as really trying to be less hard on myself and grateful for the fact I have a Blip at all! :)

Another day at work spent mainly clearing out the office. Not much left to do, just the filing cabinet really but that will take a day in itself. Funny to see my little cave office starting to look tidy (well apart from all the rubbish lying about!) This clear-out / tidy up is long overdue!

Also funny to go through folders of presentations / talks I have given over the last 13 years, thinking of all the different audiences they were aimed at; sometimes parents and sometimes professionals. Some fairly hard hitting stuff in there and some lighter content too but in each case talking from my heart and hoping my message would make a little difference, somewhere along the line.

Although the chances of me ever making any of these presentations again are very slim (thankfully!) I can't quite bring myself to thow them out yet. Too much emotion still tied up in them so they can sit on a shelf in my new study and in a few months time, I am sure I'll be ready to let them go.

Got a phone call from the Estate Agent earlier to arrange another viewing of the house, so that's one tomorrow afternoon and another on Monday evening. Please keep your fingers crossed that something comes from these viewings soon!

Also finally got round to phoning a removal firm today (no rush, I mean it's at least 2 weeks till we move!!! :-)) and a guy is coming out on Monday afternoon to give us a quote.

Right better get a shift on. Stepdad coming for dinner in a little while and got some chores to do before he arrives.

Happy Wednesday Blip Pals :) xx

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