at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Party dress

I've been experimenting with ways to get Ivy to pose for photos apart from 'cheezzzzzz'. This is 'touch your nose' we also tried 'touch your head' 'touch your ear' and 'clap your hands'. Ivy is very good at actions, she basically knows all her basic body parts now from 'teeth' to 'toes'. I don't think she's very far off understanding the rules to 'simon says' 

We went next door in the afternoon to our neighbours house warming party- so I dressed Ivy up. Flouncy dresses are totally fine in my book provided they're paired with stompy boots. It was a lovely gathering, our neighbour is very arty so her house is amazing- the same basic layout as ours but super cosy. She has a very lovely mobile made of various seeds I have to remember to ask her if she made and if we can commision one for our children's room. Ivy enjoyed the food table, in particular the tangerine segments dipped in dark chocolate that she sucked all the chocolate off. Rowan was there- who Ivy persauded to carry her about everywhere. I didn't get a look in, everytime I took Ivy back to give Rowan's poor arms a break, Ivy wanted to go back to her.

All the lightening we've been having caused a power cut, so we were glad to be next door with the wood burning stove instead of our house with a plug in heater. Euan went next door and brought the kids back glowsticks. 

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