at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Just like her Mum

The bigger Ivy gets the more she sees to take after me. One bit of her that she definitly gets from me is her tangly hair. I have hair that if left to it's own devices for a couple of days I can put into a bun with a single hair pin- it frequently 'dreads'. Ivys hair seems to do the same- but it could be worse, she could have Euan's hair and be balding...

Since Ivy seems mostly better now, took her to Brogan began in the afternoon. Tried a new carry for her in the woven wrap that was amazingly comfortable, although it would be easier with a slightly longer wrap. Ivy is amazingly patient and calm when it comes to wrapping her up- she quite often kisses my cheek whilst i'm putting her on my back, which isn't as lovely as it sounds whilst she's so snotty....

Ivy fell asleep against me on the sofa before dinner, so guess she's not quite over her bug. When she was in the bath, we noticed she had a rash on her chest- did the glass test and convinced ourselfs it wasn't menigitis so decided it was probably Roseola. I think we need to get ourselves a child illness bingo card....

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