at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


It's important when creating great works of art to know when to stop- this is Ivy annoucning herself done (she was making two christmas cards- one for Great Puffin Gran and one for Rowan), She did conceed to adding a little bit more to her masterpieces when I handed her a glitter shaker....

We went to the toddler christmas party in the village hall this morning- Ivys party dress is covered in chocolate from Sunday (oops) so she wasn't  quite as fancy as the other children. She was the only toddler who cried when she went to see Santa for a present (a santa, who I must say looked remarkably pregnant....), but I think it was because she wanted to go look at the big camera of the photographer taking pictures- not because she objects from a socialist point of view. She was very very good when it came to snack time, she sat between two children who already had their plates of food and she didn't steal any and waited patiently for hers to arrive.

She spent lots of the afternoon tucked in the corner underneath the christmas tree, which seems to be her current favourite spot

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