at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

In with the nappies

Not quite sure why Ivy wanted to stand in the bag of nappies tonight to have her advent book, but she was certainly very determined too. 

I had an ultrasound appointment today to check on the twins- got one every 2 weeks in case of TTTS (twin to twin tranfusion syndrom). It turned out to be after the last bus home- which would mean i'd have to get a bus at 10am and wait for Euan to come get me after, so i'd be in Inverness for 8 hours for an hour long appointment. Luckily, Ayesha was going to the cinema in the afternoon and driving back, so Ivy and I got to stay in bed a little bit longer. Euan was suprised when he came home at lunch and we were still there. Ivy was cross with me for trying to dress her for going round to play at her friend Pheobe's house when she wanted to go and steal all Daddy's mushroom soup- so we decided Euan would drop her off on the way back to work after i'd left with Ayesha. When Ivy heard Ayesha at the door, she ran to her for a hug, then went to say 'bye' to Euan. I think she was dissapointed to discover she wasn't going with Ayesha and I was instead.

The twins are fine, i've been able to feel them moving for about a week now and I can feel the one on the left much more often. I asumed it was to do with their positioning and where the placenta is, but it turns out the placenta is behind them and it's just that the twin on the left is INCREDIBLY active. Twin A was nice and calm and let the sonographer do all it's measurments, Twin B turned somersaults, snuck into twin As pictures and kicked it's sibling in the head. I've been joking that the twins are 'Neville and Adolf', twin B on the left definitily seems to be seeking Leibenstraum, so I think the names might stick. Did see the twins having a bit of a snuggle with each other though- so I think they're Neville and Adolf pre disintigration of appeasment.

Euan's been complaining about cold feet so I found him a pair of slippers that are like wooly boots- totally not his style (in fact more like something i'd wear) but they'll keep his feet warm and not be a tripping hazard- it is funny him wearing them though, how we totally consider practicality over looks now, I doubt he'd have been as pleased with them if it'd bough them for him pre Ivy. 

Blips changed- at first I didn't like how white it is, but actually I love it- the fact it lets you write about your blips whilst the photo uploads saves so much time- so I've finally managed to catch up with all the ones i've been behind on. Not quite sure where the ability to edit photos that came with my membership has gone though- don't think my years up yet. Need to do some scouting about. 

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