Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Great day, very productive! I love days like this!!

We were caught in the hail on the way home from school, 3 screaming children with hail pounding down and stinging our faces we still had most of the journey to go, we were all saturated by the time we got home!!

I got the Kindle Fire out to set up for Evie ready for her birthday on Thursday... Big ol' hoo-ha... It would appear it doesn't work unless I have a US address and US credit card so it's useless until Amazon bring it out here... (She can use it to read books, email and internet but can't download apps) so I am off to PC World this evening to buy her some kind of Android tablet... Tried to buy her the Lelli Kelly's that she wanted but it would appear I can get the left foot in her size but not the right... When did shoe shops start selling shoes separately??

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