
By Grimsayer

An unexpected wild goose chase

Today it was down to Baleshare for a stroll after putting the finishing touches to some Christmas shopping. Looking through the Barnacle Geese flock - as one does - and suddenly there is a different bird.
Down south Canada Geese do not cause much excitement but up here and when they are small like this one, then they are a bit more interesting. In fact a different species called Cackling Geese and they are reckoned to be genuine vagrants from Northern Canada. Normally one or two get to the Hebrides each winter and this is one of those. Phoned around and it transpired that a friend had found it an hour earlier - I didn't know so I was still pretty pleased.
Apologies for misleading everyone yesterday. I am sure the eagle-eyed amongst you spotted it was not an Atlantic Bootle-Nosed Whale but in fact a Cuvier's Beaked Whale. Obvious really... Either way it was still dead sadly.

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