twinned with trumpton


Tree is up; gone for a red theme this year

Mostly cos it's left over from last year....

AM out on the road; did a mercy school run then pottered about Southside into Gorgeous Gorgie and ending up in Canonmills. Which was handy. 6 tuna steaks for 8 quid.

Then home to do the admin on the morning; finished 4.30 and gathered the boys up. Quick dinner and then they applied decorations to a rather fine Nordmann fir; smells amazing.

No homework means extended draughts and read more Awful Auntie.

A peaceful couple of hours with little chats all the way through.


Dear Blip,
It was always going to be a hard act to follow something that was stylish and understated. But whilst I'm sure I will learn to love the progress, certain things rankle. Like portrait shots suck on the new format. That's a fairly fundamental flaw for my money.
And white background? Does no favours. I was OK with it before the launch but now I see it? Er, no.
Love that it's easier to see more on the one page though. Of subscribers, newly posted stuff etc etc.

But yeah. Jury is out on this one.


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