Still Here!

By Yorkhull


Travelling home tonight after a long day going down to Suffolk, meeting with the family and visiting Mum I spotted this over the top house decoration. I took a few quick pictures but did not know what would come out. I am quite pleased with this as the way the camera has blacked out the peripherals gives it a focus of a rather surreal scene. It will be my entry for FB for Pic of the week which the theme Lights! Obvious I guess.

Well we have a plan for my Mum which she is fully happy with. She will go into Respite Care before Christmas and stay for some weeks to see how she finds it. It's a great facility by the sound of it and hopefully she will settle. I went to see her and she was a bit down but still improving from my last visit. She was coming to me for Christmas but she is not well enough to travel or stay overnight and I chatted to her about that. She was disappointed but I think realised it was best. After our Christmas dinner I will take my daughter, her husband (first time I've said that) and my son down to see her for a few hours. It will mean some driving on Christmas Day but I think she will enjoy that and it will not overtire her. She perked up when I told her this.

So a difficult day but we are going in the right direction and she is getting the care she needs.

Tomorrow I intend to reflect on Christmas past on every blip until Christmas Day. It's always been a significant time for me, for good and occasionally not so good but it is always memorable.

Have a good weekend. Christmas shopping for me!

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