
By jamesdunn

Exam break.

After two exams I felt like a break before cracking into the next set of revision in order to feel (more) motivated.

So I headed off to Glen Nevis with Sean and Simon and after some delays at Roy Bridge due to a Police closure from an accident (and some genuinely genius hilarity whereby the guy in front of us in the queue had been doing some very serious business with a file on the roof of his car, only to forget to bring said file back into car in the rush when the closure sign was lifted...15mph and a plume of pages went streaming up into the air right in front of us. We did feel sorry for him but it was quite like something out of a comedy sketch!).

We got some cracking routes in at the Polldubh Crags and it was positively roasting, after our first route in the sun we headed to a shaded area as the rock was literally too hot to touch, like continental sand when you "ooo, oo, oooo" your way down the beach to the sea! We headed to a different crag later in the day and moved the car which gave a reading of 24 degrees at 5:30 in the evening, it was mental! A stunning day, some cracking routes and a good laugh. Top notch day and a welcome break from studying.

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