
20th day of Advent and the first day of the Christmas holidays!

This morning before 09:00 I achieved: One return airpot run, one supermarket shop, one car cleaned (don't know why because it was raining!), serious winter anti-freeze in windscreen wash (again, don't know why because it was 8 degrees), full fuel tank, 2 bags of Christmas presents collected together with one forgotten purse and one load of washing through and dried! An unheard of record of jobs for that early! The rest of the day was cleaning, ironing and packing ready for the morning! The sky was amazing as heavy rain started to lose its battle against the rising sun! 

This evening jtwsharpe and I went to the local hotel for a meal as the fridge was empty! Philip and I often did this the night before going away as it saved time when we were packing, saved clearing the kitchen and was a fun way to start the holidays!

Road trip to Cheltenham tomorrow!

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