
21st day of advent, the shortest day, a long drive and a first experience!

Jtwsharpe and I set out early for our long ( measured at 10 hours and 13 minutes of actual driving time) road trip from Crozet to Cheltenham!)

A cold, bright and crisp morning in the Pays de Gex turned into a grey, nothingness day around the 'Champagne' region and evolved into wind and sea drizzle by the time we arrived in Calais! (Weather in England as usual!!).

We achieved a record driving time of 6 hours 38 minutes from Crozet to Calais - (beating last best time by 14 minutes) but this was achieved only through experiencing a life first  - having those hiding blue flashing lights jump out at me!! Philip was always my 'sensible' side and I would only have managed to go this fast if he was taking a little nap - and even then he seemed to be able to sense when I had my 'foot down'! The chap in the car behind us was convinced it was 'English' day - we were treated equally as we both paid an up front fine of €90! I felt sorry for him as he did not have the cash (and we just managed it!) and his driving licence was held whilst he drove an 8km round trip to a cashpoint! 

They were very polite 'Gendarmerie' and spoke perfect 'traffic cop' English (I thought it wise not to let on I knew much about France!!!!).

It was wonderful to arrive at Mum and Dads and I am really looking forward to my 8 days with my family, and catching up with friends. 

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