my life, my pictures

By jennifleur

One Hundred and Thirty Six.

Day 136

15th May 2012

This has been my position for most of today, Little Lady has really not been well, so I kept her home from the childminder's. Chap went as usual to maintain our routine and had preschool this afternoon. So Little Lady had me to herself, and boy did she milk it!

Most of the morning she slept but then the rest of the day was spent either on my lap or being carried around, apart from the time in the pushchair when we went to collect Chap from preschool. This was at lunchtime we had her lunch box ready to take to the Childminder's this morning. She didn't eat much but seemed to like the novelty of sitting on my lap to eat it.
Not a great shot I admit but all I had time for today.

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