Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Gorgeous Covent Garden ...

What a mixed bag of a day !!
I need to do bullet points ...
Leave for London 9.21 from station ..
Arrive in London at 10.39 on the dot.
bus to Harrods to view the window displays which were awesome.
Start the Paddington bear sculpture trail.. Find one ... Very nice.
Walk over to Hyde park .. Find a Paddington .. Very nice..
Go see the German Market ... Buy Jake a lion headed hat...
Go watch kids and Jim on Roller coasters ..
Wander up to Marble Arch... Stare at it...
Go to a shop where Eve buys Blousey top thing.. Lucy and Mr W get told off for sitting on a stupid display ..
Wander to selfridges ... Find a Paddington .. Very nice...
Start to feel a little bit 'peeky'...
Children buy vast amounts of rubbish sweets (candy ) ..
Wander outside feeling a little bit more 'stranger than usual' ..
Take cab to Covent garden.. Find a Paddington ...very nice ..
Look at market but it was SO SO busy ...
Went for dinner ... However I suddenly had the most evil migraine attack in the history of my migraines in 31 years of them that I just got up and left ... I must have looked drunk ... It was so hot in the restaurant I could not cope ..
Went outside and Mr W and the kids followed me .. I told them to eat and I would just sit in the air on a bench but they would never do that so Lucy declared she only wanted a McDonald's anyway ..
Staggered to a McDonalds in Leicester square .. Keeping moving was helping me ..
Sat down on the chairs outside and I promptly and discreetly vomited into a PAPER BAG ... Ohhh the shame ... No one saw as it was pretty much a dark alleyway .. But OHHHHH THE SHAME !!
I don't remember much from there until Mr w opened our front door ...
What I do remember is thinking as I was being sick ..
'Must take the kids to Ripleys believe it or not' ...


Despite the ending I still had a decent until 5pm day out ....
Got home at 9.30 and I never even knew !!!

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