
Jaxon our Grandson came over last night for a sleep over, the school holidays have started now for summer, he will be having plenty of days at Nan & Grandads.
I was making a "chocolate crunch" a traditional family recipe handed down from my mother in law and always made at Christmas time, Jaxon helped with Crushing the biscuits, melting the golden syrup and chocolate, while it was cooling in the fridge he wanted to make his own family recipe, so here he is making his newly named "marshmallow choc tops" he was concentrating splitting the cases for the marshmallows to sit in.
Jaxon had a few names for his newly invented sweets "frecktop mallows" "choctop freckle mallows" he settled on the 1st
Who knows this new family tradition could last until Jaxon has his own kidlets??
Hope I'm around to see it..
they taste as good as they look if you love mallows and chocolate!!

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