Christmas Time

Each day is getting busier than the one before, haven't all our children left home now ? are we not now "empty nesters"? and yet our home is still full of children with excited voices running and shouting, their little mouths full of lollies they have picked from the tray that greets them on the hallway table, our 3 children come home now with Children of their own.
 Each Grandchild came over to hang their christmas ornament they were given on their first Christmas on the tree, Keely's now sits at the top of the tree of course she is now 14 and so tall, the boys Jacob & Koen's are almost touching they couldn’t decide which branch to put theirs? Deklan quickly decided which branch he was very proud of himself he chose the branch close to where his cousin Jaxon had put his, Ruby put hers close to the bottom of the tree she is only 4 years old, i don't want to think of hers ever reaching the top!  baby Lucy’s was hung on the tree by Jacob until she is big enough to put her own on the tree. Busy times, precious times, my favourite time is Christmas time. Tomorrow will be just as busy, come on in the door is always open!!  

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