By Himself

By Himself


...lens excitement!

Today I received a new old lens - an Asahi Pentax SMC 55mm f1.8 I purchased for £20 on e-bay. This was the model of lens I had when starting photography with my Pentax S1a camera, more years ago than I care to remember.

This is a jpg SOOC with very minor adjustments to white balance and levels. I am amazed that the lens is still so good considering its age and it is such a joy to use, even with an adapter on my Fuji X-T1. 

As I said to Herself early this morning before she left on airport duty - I am actually excited - a very rare occurrence. as she will tell you, because I don't usually do 'excited'.

EXIF: 1/30", f8, ISO 200, 55mm (82mm FX equivalent). 

If you don't like the stark white of the new blip site, please see my post from yesterday - I have made a very simple style for the 'Stylish' add-on for the Firefox and Chrome browsers to calm down the white just a little.

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