
By SueScape

Fairy Ring

On our walk this morning, came across this massive fairy ring, 6-7 metres across, on the edge of a wood just outside a field. It went down the bank and up through the undergrowth, don't think I ever saw such a big one, but Wiki says:

"One of the largest rings ever found is near Belfort in France is thought to be about 600 metres (2,000 ft) in diameter and over 700 years old. On the South Downs there are huge fairy rings that also appear to be several hundred years old."

So this one appears to be a mere babe, but once established, can go on and on growing.

Folk lore about fairy rings is mostly negative and may have been told to act as warnings in case the mushrooms were not of the edible kind. There are as many as 50 or 60 types of mushroom that can grow in this formation, not all of them good for us.

Anyhow, big kid that I am, I defied tradition and stood in the centre of the ring, and felt magically better for it:-) The image is just a detail from it.

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