What happens when...

...you forget to change the settings of your camera?

You end up with a cool photo! :)

By the way, to start with, just to let you know that the reason why I've been missing from Blipfoto is because I had problems accessing the new site. After three requests to the technical team I haven't got an answer yet from them, but never mind... I thought I was priority because I couldn't upload, but I guess I was not the only one... 

I haven't been able to use this site for about a week, which I don't find acceptable, but never mind. Thanks to my fellow blipper Frankbrett's help I've finally managed to get in. 

Now trying to get used to this new view of things. I don't like the fact that I can't edit my entries, but I like to see your photos next to your name. (Thanks Meles. Now I know how I can edit my entries! It will take a while to get used to this...)

Relaxing now after a busy day. I've got a cake to bake this evening, which I will do after I finish with this entry. I have to cook for five people on Christmas day, so tomorrow I have to get everything ready. Thank god I'm off! 

I just want to say thanks very much for all your support and help during this week and I'm sorry if I haven't commented at all, but I had a very good reason, I think! It will take me a while but I'll try now to catch up with you little by little!

Good to be back.

I hope you had a good day! :)

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